Monday, March 29, 2010

post #14 draft for writing process

As I look back to my older works I am amazed with my work. While I’m in the same thought I look at the paper again and see that there were some great points stated and it gives me the fire to go further with my writing. That same fire I use to write what needs to be heard
Before all the great writing can be started I first have to “pre-game”. This is my process where I go back to my younger writing days and make the brainstorming spider web. I would start it by just putting the subject in the middle and then branch it off into five different places .From there I would put the five most important topics in each of the bubbles then I would write about them. From there I would write the first draft of the work and take a good look at it after a few hours. After I had a second look at it I would take it to a friend who knew about writing just to look over and get some feedback. The feedback was my favorite part because it gave me some ideas on what to write in between the lines, and as an added bonus it was good to hear what others thought. Finally the finished product would be a work that was polished with the help of the people.
My past papers have been first-rate in my eyes and to others thanks to brainstorming. I can say that if it wasn’t for brainstorming some of my older works would have been graded no higher than a C- , and I would have been told by my mother to straighten it up. By going over your work multiple times it is a sure way to keep things together and to catch the little things that you miss from just writing for the mission at hand.

post #16 my career choice for portfolio

my choice of career for the portfolio would be an english teacher. some of the writings i would look for would be ones on how to teach writing in a fun way, i would look at samples that gives you ways to interact with students while giving them tips for writing, and lastly samples on teaching. These samples would be essential to a good start for teaching as well as giving me an edge over other education majors to really connect to the students and make sure they learn.

post #15 my writing process

Writing can be seen as a way to express yourself as well as an outlet to the outside world. Since my first experience with writing I have been hooked ever since doing poetry to writing multiple page papers. As I look back to my older works I sometimes am amazed and tough on myself as well. I am tough on myself because sometimes I catch simple sentence mistakes that are visible now and I tell myself that I need to be better. While I’m in the same thought I look at the paper again and see that there were some great points stated and it gives me the fire to go further with my writing.
Before all the great writing can be started I first have to pre-game as I call it. This is my process where I go back to my younger writing days and make the brainstorming spider web. I would start it by just putting the subject in the middle and then branch it off into five different places (this was because back in the day we did five paragraph essays instead of the modern three to four pages). From there I would put the five most important topics in each of the bubbles then I would write about them. From there I would write the first draft of the work and take a good look at it after a few hours. After I had a second look at it I would take it to a friend who knew about writing just to look over and get some feedback. The feedback was my favorite part because it gave me some ideas on what to write in between the lines, and as an added bonus it was good to hear what others thought. Finally the finished product would be a work that was polished with the help of the people.
My past papers have been first-rate in my eyes and to others thanks to brainstorming. I can say that if it wasn’t for brainstorming some of my older works would have been graded no higher than a C- , and I would have been told by my mother to straighten it up. By going over your work multiple times it is a sure way to keep things together and to catch the little things that you miss from just writing for the mission at hand.
I have realized that if you catch the problems before they really become writing blocks your writing will flow like the wind. I must say that that lesson was hard learned because it took me a while before writing was really my thing. When I was younger I had a hard time with punctuation. I found it very confusing since there were so many different symbols. Also the different functions were a blur to me too such as adverbs, nouns, adjectives, ECT. Those small things used to drive me insane and cause my writing to stay at a level that was unsatisfactory. When all seemed like it was lost I made different ways to get over each obstacle.
The way I handled the confusion with the symbols was something that I still use today. When I would write a sentence I would write it out not adding any punctuation to it. Then I would go back over the whole thing when it was done and then add the proper marks. Even to this day I still so the same method but at a higher and faster degree. Instead of waiting until the end and doing all the work I just add the correct punctuation in while I’m writing the sentence. It saves me time for revisions later and gives openings for fresher sentences I believe.
My function problem was a little easier than the previous one I must say. I remember watching my morning cartoons and “school house rock” an educational cartoon came on. I remembered the song that was playing and it was about functions in writing. Conjunction junction what’s your function were the lyrics to the song and from then on I would look for it on TV. From there I just studied more on the functions and eventually got them down pact, even though sometimes they do get a bit foggy. I would recommend school house rock to any young child who likes learning while having fun, because it did wonders for me when I was coming up.

Thinking back I can recall all my writing but I can remember my highest writing point and my lowest like they just happened yesterday. My best comes to me first and this takes me back to high school when I was a senior in high school. I was in my old English four classroom and we were given an assignment to write our own story. That instant I was lit up with excitement because I loved to write stories no matter what the scene was. I went home and spent about the whole night writing and re-writing even though the paper wasn’t due for a month. In the end I wound up getting a high A on the paper and it felt extra good because my senior English teacher was the strictest when it came to grading work.
With the best comes the worst and I have a story for that as well. I can date it back not too long ago when I was a freshman here at Kean. I had a professor who would say whatever he felt whenever, and although there is nothing wrong with that there is a time and place for everything. I gave in a paper that I thought was good, but after reading the papers and giving them back to us he really put me in a bad mood when he called out another person’s paper, and then attacking my paper as well. I was mad for the fact that he called me out, but to call out anyone in class was uncalled for.
Both situations gave me a strong conviction that a change needed to be done with my writing process. I feel that my process is changing everyday and I’m proud of that. Learning doesn’t stop and I don’t want to end up in a place where my writing is not moving. I plan on strengthening my writing skills by doing just that…writing. I’m learning different techniques in my classes and even talking and getting out different views with my work. I feel with perfection comes change because u can’t progress without new and different ideas to go off.

How you write and what you write are two different things and they both have deep meanings. I state this because you write differently for different classes or genres of people. For instance if I were writing a children’s story for a school I wouldn’t add profanity or gore into it. The same thing would be true if I was to write a novel for a young teen audience. I would have to really channel the “vibe” that follows the people and hope that I can follow it to my best of ability. That alone would judge if I could write for different audiences professionally.
Me personally I give a general feel when I write anything so it can go for any audience. I try to add all the emotions of daily life and put them on a page to be soaked up by anxious readers wanting a story. That’s a real story to me because you can take that one story and let your imagination run wild with it, until you read a different story. Sometimes just because we are considered young adults we are suppose to abandon our dreams and become “ADULTS” but I just want to say that adults still have an imagination too, and it should not be shunned or watered down because you’re getting older instead it should get better.
People of all ages from toddlers who just start reading to the elderly want to read a good story. If it doesn’t stimulate the mind it is usually discarded and taken lightly. The people expect good writing why not give it to them? And the good thing about writing is no one can really put a price on your work because it is your own creation. And if one person doesn’t like it the next person might just because you never can judge a book by its cover. Writing is universal and its reward sometimes is just seeing someone reading just for enjoyment.

In conclusion my writing process has come a long way from simple sentences to full on essays. I can truly say that I am grateful to every teacher I had because each one was a stepping stone to where my writing is today. I take pride in my writing not only because of a grade that I get from someone else, but because deep down I know that my writing can be used for something greater than that. Writing can be used for touching people and making changes wherever I go. Words cannot express how blessed I am to know that writing is me and I am writing.