Monday, March 29, 2010

post #14 draft for writing process

As I look back to my older works I am amazed with my work. While I’m in the same thought I look at the paper again and see that there were some great points stated and it gives me the fire to go further with my writing. That same fire I use to write what needs to be heard
Before all the great writing can be started I first have to “pre-game”. This is my process where I go back to my younger writing days and make the brainstorming spider web. I would start it by just putting the subject in the middle and then branch it off into five different places .From there I would put the five most important topics in each of the bubbles then I would write about them. From there I would write the first draft of the work and take a good look at it after a few hours. After I had a second look at it I would take it to a friend who knew about writing just to look over and get some feedback. The feedback was my favorite part because it gave me some ideas on what to write in between the lines, and as an added bonus it was good to hear what others thought. Finally the finished product would be a work that was polished with the help of the people.
My past papers have been first-rate in my eyes and to others thanks to brainstorming. I can say that if it wasn’t for brainstorming some of my older works would have been graded no higher than a C- , and I would have been told by my mother to straighten it up. By going over your work multiple times it is a sure way to keep things together and to catch the little things that you miss from just writing for the mission at hand.

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