Monday, February 1, 2010

post #2

good evening blogger friends!.... i thought i would start this blog off on a lighter note before i start the questions. I just want to write that even though this blogging experience something rather new i plan to keep my post as interesting and work friendly as possible.

Now on to the Questions

What factors represented as influencing our relationships to written language in the essay on cultural stories?
Basic factors like family, your friends, jobs, ect. they all make up our characters and our writing spirits.

What can we learn about writing from biological-linguistic perspectives and theories? What can we learn about writing from social linguistic perspectives and the analysis of new literacy narratives?
From the biological side we can learn about the tectonics of writing , but from the social linguistic side we can easily see that peoples interactions and just everyday life can shape us to write the darkest of stories or in contrast the lightest of adventures. its all based on the person.

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