Wednesday, February 17, 2010

post #3

the article about Ong's writing is a piece that re evaluates thought having some very good standing points.To be able to understand the internet and its workings at the time was great and it showed potential. The over the top use of language and ability of the Internet with all its streaming multimedia make his article seem older that what it is.
The idea that ong made concerning computer technology causing a writer to distance him or herself form the writing by use of time is valid and valuable for the writer to really look at the work and evaluate it.also the idea that computers will change the thinking process is correct in my opinion. Writing is something that we as peole use everyday and with the help of computers writing is becoming easier. i believe ong had an idea of the interactive aspects of the new computer generation.

Many of his fourteen points are valid. Writing does separate the writer, data and vocalization anlong with some garbage sites forces the writer to work harder to compensate for its distance by being more precise in word and grammar as well as structure. By use of time the writer can give thought on improvement. Also, it is true that writing allows people from all over to connect on certain things.

i can agree to disagree with some classmates and what they posted on their blogs for certain points such as:1) Writing has made philosophical thought possible, 2) Writing move thought to the left side of the brain and away from the right. 3) Writing create a dominant vs non dominant form of writing. 4) Writing separates the forms of language, high and low,academic and conventional. All of these points can be proven wrong with individual examples and with the passage of time can be dismissed as a possible theory that over time has been proven incorrect.

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