Wednesday, February 17, 2010

post #5

a sneak peek to my story......

When the topic of writing and what it means to you came up, it took me back to a simpler time. It took me to a place where I didn’t have walls or shields up. A place where I was whoever I wanted to be and the world was my canvas to write up whatever hot story would take the peoples breath away. To me writing gave focus and a different path away from the streets. That focus gave me the will and the power to help others and be the young man that I am today. Thinking back I have many stories that stand out to me but a few especially come to mind.
I can go back to my very first encounters with literature and all its different actions. Starting with my strict training on spelling and reading from my mother and her close friends. Those were the first lessons I had Growing up and even though they were tough and sometimes upset me I always pressed on. Later on I found that I always had a knack for literature it just needed to be brought out. My grade school memories were of me in gifted and talented classes with others who had the same drive and ambition as I did. Although I was smart and ha d a good view on writing I still wasn’t happy with my life. Due to my father not really being around it led me to act out and flaunt m talents for the wrong reasons, resulting to me being held back in the 6th grade.
After that first year was over and I returned back to school to be a 6th grader again I was crushed spiritually. I had lost the will to continue on with anything since I was seen as dumb, but when life seems it darkest that’s when you get hit with the light. Doing sixth grade over opened my eyes to a lot of new things, people, and new ways to write and be heard. It was then that I decided to give up on feeling sorry for myself and fight for what I want….Knowledge. Literature and I became one at that moment and I started believing in myself and my ability to write. That same year I met my best friends and got the joy of friendship. I applied that same energy to my writing and started my road to poetry as well.

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