Monday, April 26, 2010

writing sample 4

this last piece is again a poem that I dedication to my young adult literature class. This piece was inspired from just being in the class and really thinking about what it means to be "perfect." so many people strive for it and the idea of perfection is pressed on our generation. What i planned to do with this poem is show people that perfection is not so far away and that with hard work and effort you can do anything you want. That is the theme i plan to use in my classroom.
Something so distant that is said to be a myth, but I strive for it everyday...why do I when deep in the back of my mind I ask myself why do I do it? Many people of this earth say not to strive for perfection because you will never reach it. Perfection is a road that leads to a wasted life.

I then think of everything I have been through good,bad,schooling,"love",hate,friends,
enemies,and even death and I come to conclusion that perfection is not so far away.

When you aim for perfection, you realize that it is a moving target. I strive everyday in my urban life to perfect myself in anyway possible so that I can be an asset to myself and others. But I see that the most difficult part of attaining perfection is finding something to do for an encore. So therefore I test myself everyday and quietly tell myself "Rome was not built in a day"

my personal statement

Having majored in secondary education English(literature) as an undergraduate, I would now like to concentrate on British and American literature.

I am especially interested in nineteenth-century literature, women's literature, Anglo-Saxon poetry, and folklore and folk literature, as well as dark literature and some poetry. My personal literary projects have involved some combination of these subjects. The relationship between "good" and common folk literature became the subject for an essay i did before, which examined great artist of the time and their use of classical, biblical, African, and Afro-American folk tradition in their novels. artist suck as Keats and Wollstonecraft put their essence into their works and i plan on working more with these artist to explain ideas.

Writing poetry also figures prominently in my academic and professional goals. I have been writing poetry for a while since i was a child and i find it comes as second nature. The type of poetry in my collection are poems that draw from biblical, and traditional, as well as everyday experience,life and death, whether literal or figurative. My poetry draws from and influences my academic studies and my own life put on paper. Much of what I read and study finds a place in my creative work as subject. At the same time, I study the art of literature by taking part in the creative process, experimenting with the tools used others.

As far as a career i am looking for, I see myself teaching literature, writing news articles, and going into editing or publishing poetry. getting my doctorin would be valuable to me in several ways. First, being a teachers assistant would provide me with the practical teaching experience I am eager to acquire. Furthermore, getting my Ph.D. in English and American literature would advance my other two career goals by adding to my list,in both a critical and creative way when working with language. Ultimately, however, I see the Ph.D. as an end in itself, as well as a professional stepping stone that would take me to a new level of learning.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

writing sample 3

these last two samples i decided to do a double poem dedication to my young adult literature class. this piece was inspired from my teacher asking us to write a poem about your home environment. when i heard those words i went off and wrote this. this work is called

"Niggaz don't love freedom"
Little black boys of the ghettos and suburbs gladly giving away everything they have for the image of "IN".

They sell their freedom to babies mama's, ponder and plot on street dreamers, and give their souls to the streets just for their own means or the means of others.

I sit and see this young race do itself under by the weapons created by "HOOD LOGIC"and i ask when will we wake up? i guess Niggaz don't love freedom.

writing sample 2

this second sample is a work that i did in my psychology class. the work was important to me because it looks at the media and how it is affecting our younger generation. this same generation that i am about to teach. the work is called "the media and its devices"

The media has a strong hold on what we as the population see as “in.” for an example you can be on top of the world in the fashion industry, or just on top of your game on the billboard charts and it can go downhill for you just for one slip up of the tongue. We as outsiders look on and say could they let it get to this?” but the answer lies in the background and foundation. I believe the media is responsible for the shift of popularity and success in celebrities lives. With the help of other sources and figure heads celebrities are sometimes forced to approve of things they wouldn’t normally approve of, and promote things that are not always moral. I want to give several examples so I c an open the eyes of the reader and show them what’s in plain sight.
Media big takeover can be grouped around the time of the Vietnam War. It was during this time that TV was really on the rise and people tuned in more to find out about news, weather, and entertainment. During this time morals took a dive and violence and sex took command. We fast forward to present day and we see that media had become a beast of mass proportions. Media now holds the minds of the people and all their thoughts, with little girls wanting to “drop it like it’s hot” instead of being pure, and young boys wanting to be the ultimate “thug.”
Yes it seems that media has taken a turn for the worst and there have been rumors that seem like the truth. There is word that the media terrors group the “Illuminati”. The Illuminati is a name that refers to several groups, both historical and modern, and both real and fictitious. Historically, it refers specifically to the Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776. In modern times it is also used to refer to a purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy "power behind the throne", allegedly controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations, usually as a modern incarnation or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati.

The master plan for the media is to have the human population under its thumb, so that the Illuminati can then have an easier transition to the new world order. When that happened everyone will be under the influence of the media and things will be different as well. The world as we know it will be turned upside down and morals will be thrown out, for primal instinct and lustful feelings. We as a people must wake up and rise above the media and its dark hand. There are several ways to go about eliminating the dark hand and cleaning our minds
• Stop pushing our young girls towards the media and thus making them sex slaves
• Make our young boys proud to be who they are, and not envious of others
• Put religion back into the schools
• And make morals something that people want to stand for
I believe if we can do that as people we can get one step closer to eliminating the media tight and hurtful grip on society, and get ourselves to a better place as human beings.

writing sample 1

this sample is one that i liked and really put some work into. the sample is from a pieces that i read about and got an idea about the authors . i named this work "a womans voice in a mans world"

“This is a man’s world” those words have been echoed throughout time. The individuals words before were lyrics from the late great James Brown and although he wasn’t the first to say them society has taken that rule to serious effect. You can see it in the music, media, and even home life that men have a silent but strong dominance in the world. Society is designed so that the man is the bread winner of the house and he gets the last say so about what happens, but what about the woman behind the man. We sometimes forget that some of the main figures in time and history could have been Average Joes if it had not been for their female counterparts.
During the Victorian era there was a small spot for any female anything to be heard. This new age brought forth technology due to the industrial revolution, but child labor and prostitution as well. You were either a wife or being prepped to be a wife, due to women taking the role of the “idiot”. Women were raised to be the simpleton type that waited on their husband hand and foot. Yes this seemed like a dark time, but there is a always a silver lining. Due to a few courageous women the thoughts and feelings of women all over were heard. Special women such as Elizabeth Browning and Christina Rossetti made a way for others to have a voice as well.
Both writers had different lives, but due to them both being women had similar hardships and trials. Each woman took her life and gifts and shared them with the world the best way they thought possible. For Rossetti her work took a more spiritual approach speaking up more about the holy connection as well as life. Browning however had a more upbeat loving approach making sonnets and poems about her life and secret love. They both were different but were the same in society’s eyes for reasons unheard of. Both women produced works that went for the heart and made you think, but were stern and had a strong message hidden.

Christina Rossetti was a woman with a remarkably strong character. Being born into the Victorian era (5 December 1830 – 29 December 1894) she was one of four children born and raised in London. Due to her father being a poet and political refugee Rossetti was influenced into the arts. However her father also played another role in the young girl’s life being the cause of her depression and illness when he himself declined in mental and physical health. At the age of 14 Rossetti left school and along with mother and sister got involved with the Anglo-Catholic movement. Due to Rossetti learning more about the Church of England she chose to live her life a different way as well, denying several suitors her hand in marriage due to religious reasons.
Looking over her work two poems stood out to me the most based off the fact that they reminded me of her character and ability to put the things she loved into her works. In the poem “dead before death” Rossetti takes the aspect of aging and makes it known that if you are that hurt by the fact that you are aging you already have died inside. She attacks the whole idea that ageing is a bad thing something that women of that time considered as natural law. In the other poem “An Apple Gathering” it depicts a young girl simply admiring her own beauty from plucking a flower out of an apple tree. At first it seems harmless but as the poem goes on as he goes to that same tree for apples it produces none, while all the other town folk enjoy the bounty of their trees. The young lady goes to see another girl from the town with her former lover and curses him in a way. The poem in my opinion represents how young girls shouldn’t flaunt their beauty because in the end their vanity will lead to their own sadness and demise.
Rossetti’s works gave a moral view that a lot of people didn’t see womanly, thus trying to downplay her talent. Her thinking stood out to a society that was male dominated, but it didn’t slow her down or stop her. Her dedication to the church and her work gave her an edge over other writers of her time.
Artist like Rossetti were few but the ones that were in demand were top quality. One other poet had the same feeling from a young age and let her talents take her to higher heights. That woman is Elizabeth Barrette Browning. Born March 6, 1806, in Country Durham, England Browning was the oldest out of twelve children. She took the initiative and was taught at home as well as with her brother’s tutor. This gave Browning the edge over most girls at the time having read novels such as paradise lost and other great epics. Her thirst for knowledge grew and she became well read as well as a somewhat spiritual woman. Keeping close ties to her family she continued to write and caught the ear of Robert browning, a fellow writer as well. Both poets fell for each other and went to Italy to be married in 1846. Browning work got better due to the influence of her husband and her success grew.
The two pieces that spoke to me were ones that gave browning the voice to say who she was while showing that she was still a woman. The first work “To George Sand” was a work that showed how articulate she was based off the simple fact that she recognized that she had knowledge of both sides of the fence and could put it into her works. We see it in the beginning of a recognition“true genius, but true woman!” The other poem was one that was in a way a direct product from her husband’s love. “From sonnets from the Portuguese” is in a way all the doubts and hopes of love that Elizabeth was facing in her courtship with Robert. It showed the human natural side to love and what it can really do to you.
Browning works reflected her heart to the letter in my opinion. Her way of thinking spilled off into her writing and she made it clear that a woman’s mind could be just as sharp as a man’s if not sharper. Her works paved the way for other women people to speak their minds through poetry and sonnets. Due to her influence in literature she broke down the wall where voice is dominated by male ego and superiority, and gave it a new spin in the light of day.

In conclusion both women paid a monumental debt to the literature world. Their works gave ideas to many other poets that we still read today. Artist like Edgar Allen Poe and Emily Dickinson were greatly influenced by browning works. For Rossetti her words are put into movies and modern pop culture shows such as American idol. Both browning and Rossetti are still remembered for their will to not settle for normality, but to stand out in individuality and for that we salute them by reading and keeping their works relevant. Their works not only give women inspiration now but all people to stand up and speak for what you believe in.

my cover letter

Lincoln High School
Jersey city, NJ 07304
(201) 915-2400
To Whom It May Concern:
I am interested in becoming a student teacher in your English department over the summer. I intend on becoming a teacher at Lincoln in the close future and I believe this is a perfect opportunity to witness and gain experience in teaching the kids of the world.
I am currently a student, undergoing a vigorous degree in secondary education English at Kean University and should be done by 2012. I have done some community service and other works, especially interacting with others. I believe this would be a good time to show my assets and a great opportunity to utilize and further-develop my caring, organizational, and social skills in a fast paced young environment.
Attached is a copy of my resume, which I hope you do not hesitate to review further. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Mario E Revere
Mario E Revere

Possible writing samples:
- Process narrative (long)
- Short sonnet on Shakespeare (short)

my presentation

Secondary education/ English
Job title- teacher
The range of job descriptions teaching has- Teaching can go from the earliest stages of life such as preschool and day care to the last stages such as college and graduate school. Teachers are expected to know their field and be able to teach it to others the same way they know it. With the help of the text and some experience teachers can get to a one on one level with students and help them succeed. Along with teaching some teachers take up after school activities as well like clubs and sports programs.
General Purpose
To plan, organize and implement an appropriate instructional program in a learning environment that guides and encourages students to develop and fulfill their academic potential.
Main Job Tasks and Responsibilities
 plan, prepare and deliver instructional activities that facilitate active learning experiences
 develop schemes of work and lesson plans
 establish and communicate clear objectives for all learning activities
 prepare classroom for class activities
 provide a variety of learning materials and resources for use in educational activities
 identify and select different instructional resources and methods to meet students' varying needs
 instruct and monitor students in the use of learning materials and equipment
 use relevant technology to support instruction
 observe and evaluate student's performance and development
 assign and grade class work, homework, tests and assignments
 provide appropriate feedback on work
 encourage and monitor the progress of individual students
 maintain accurate and complete records of students' progress and development
 update all necessary records accurately and completely as required by laws, district policies and school regulations
 prepare required reports on students and activities
 manage student behavior in the classroom by establishing and enforcing rules and procedures
 maintain discipline in accordance with the rules and disciplinary systems of the school
 apply appropriate disciplinary measures where necessary
 perform certain pastoral duties including but not limited to student support, counseling students with academic problems and providing student encouragement
 participate in extracurricular activities such as social activities, sporting activities, clubs and student organizations
 participate in department and school meetings, parent meetings
 communicate necessary information regularly to students, colleagues and parents regarding student progress and student needs
 keep up to date with developments in subject area, teaching resources and methods and make relevant changes to instructional plans and activities
Education and Experience
 Bachelors degree or higher from an accredited institution
 Meet professional teacher education requirements of school, district, state
 Single subject teaching credential or certification if teaching a specialized subject
 State certification
 Relevant teaching experience
 Knowledge of relevant technology
Key Competencies
 self motivation
 high energy level
 verbal and written communication skills
 attention to detail
 high work standards
 problem solving
 decision making
 organizing and planning
 learning orientation
 critical thinking
 stress tolerance
 flexibility
 adaptability
 initiative
what kind of writing does a teacher do?
 Lesson planning
 Feedback writing
 Lecturing
 Note writing
 Emailing

How can I prepare myself for this kind of writing?
To prepare for becoming a teacher I simply watch other teachers and how they conduct their own class rooms. I also try to pay attention to the notes and side bar writings they give back after you turn in your work. It gives you an idea on what to shape up on.

Obstacles ahead!
 Right now the job market is flooded with teachers to the point that a lot of good ones are being laid off because of the economy
 Also math and science teachers are in demand right now, not so much English and history.

What are some ways I can get an edge over the competition?
 Having a well prepared resume
 Having a strong personal statement for graduate school
 Getting experience from student teaching so that I may be able to work with the young adults better
 Talking and meeting all types of people for reference.

Mario Revere