Monday, April 26, 2010

writing sample 4

this last piece is again a poem that I dedication to my young adult literature class. This piece was inspired from just being in the class and really thinking about what it means to be "perfect." so many people strive for it and the idea of perfection is pressed on our generation. What i planned to do with this poem is show people that perfection is not so far away and that with hard work and effort you can do anything you want. That is the theme i plan to use in my classroom.
Something so distant that is said to be a myth, but I strive for it everyday...why do I when deep in the back of my mind I ask myself why do I do it? Many people of this earth say not to strive for perfection because you will never reach it. Perfection is a road that leads to a wasted life.

I then think of everything I have been through good,bad,schooling,"love",hate,friends,
enemies,and even death and I come to conclusion that perfection is not so far away.

When you aim for perfection, you realize that it is a moving target. I strive everyday in my urban life to perfect myself in anyway possible so that I can be an asset to myself and others. But I see that the most difficult part of attaining perfection is finding something to do for an encore. So therefore I test myself everyday and quietly tell myself "Rome was not built in a day"

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