Thursday, April 22, 2010

writing sample 2

this second sample is a work that i did in my psychology class. the work was important to me because it looks at the media and how it is affecting our younger generation. this same generation that i am about to teach. the work is called "the media and its devices"

The media has a strong hold on what we as the population see as “in.” for an example you can be on top of the world in the fashion industry, or just on top of your game on the billboard charts and it can go downhill for you just for one slip up of the tongue. We as outsiders look on and say could they let it get to this?” but the answer lies in the background and foundation. I believe the media is responsible for the shift of popularity and success in celebrities lives. With the help of other sources and figure heads celebrities are sometimes forced to approve of things they wouldn’t normally approve of, and promote things that are not always moral. I want to give several examples so I c an open the eyes of the reader and show them what’s in plain sight.
Media big takeover can be grouped around the time of the Vietnam War. It was during this time that TV was really on the rise and people tuned in more to find out about news, weather, and entertainment. During this time morals took a dive and violence and sex took command. We fast forward to present day and we see that media had become a beast of mass proportions. Media now holds the minds of the people and all their thoughts, with little girls wanting to “drop it like it’s hot” instead of being pure, and young boys wanting to be the ultimate “thug.”
Yes it seems that media has taken a turn for the worst and there have been rumors that seem like the truth. There is word that the media terrors group the “Illuminati”. The Illuminati is a name that refers to several groups, both historical and modern, and both real and fictitious. Historically, it refers specifically to the Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776. In modern times it is also used to refer to a purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy "power behind the throne", allegedly controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations, usually as a modern incarnation or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati.

The master plan for the media is to have the human population under its thumb, so that the Illuminati can then have an easier transition to the new world order. When that happened everyone will be under the influence of the media and things will be different as well. The world as we know it will be turned upside down and morals will be thrown out, for primal instinct and lustful feelings. We as a people must wake up and rise above the media and its dark hand. There are several ways to go about eliminating the dark hand and cleaning our minds
• Stop pushing our young girls towards the media and thus making them sex slaves
• Make our young boys proud to be who they are, and not envious of others
• Put religion back into the schools
• And make morals something that people want to stand for
I believe if we can do that as people we can get one step closer to eliminating the media tight and hurtful grip on society, and get ourselves to a better place as human beings.

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